Erotic stories of Nelson baby maker

Profile page of Nelson baby maker. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Nelson baby maker wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 2.6K times

Straight | 2
2023-12-18 08:12:09
2022-04-18 21:50:32
My aunt asked me to get her pregnant part 2Kathleen turned one and Andrea was again willing to get pregnant and Jordan still thinks he's the father. Anyway, Andrea isn't mucking about this time, and she drains my balls every chance we get together and she is pregnant again but still lets me fuck her as a reward for services provided. I was hoping she would've another girl, but it's a boy and Jordan said it would their last. But Andrea said maybe not. reading time 1 mingenre
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My Aunt asked me to get her pregnantMy aunt Andrea 36 asked me to get her pregnant, I'm Nelson 24 going to a local university. Andrea is married Jordan 54 who the brother of my father Alan 56 and they fight like cats and dogs. Rarely talk to each other and both doing well in business, anyway Andrea wanted to start a family, but couldn't get pregnant. She collected a sample of Jordan's sperm and had it tested and it showed he was subpar on the breeding front. I'm the oldest male besides my father and Jordan. I'm the only direct mal...reading time 3 mingenre
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